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Wheeling, WV Highschool Ministry

Looking for Highschool Ministry in Wheeling, WV? C3 may be right for you!

The C3 Student Ministry exists to point the next generation to Jesus.

This means that every middle school, high school, and college student will learn, or be reminded of who Jesus is and what He has done. They will learn that The Gospel impacts every area of their lives, and be taught how to see life (the good, the bad and the ugly) through a Gospel lens.

The hope is to be a catalyst for change in each student’s life, only accomplishing our goal when he or she leaves the building on mission to bring the good news of Christ to their generation and beyond! 

Click Here to Learn More


Doubt is natural… Believers need to wrestle with the same questions that skeptics ask. Many believers "inherited" their faith and may have never asked these questions. Both doubters and believers have a moral and intellectual responsibility to examine their doubts and beliefs. C3 is a place that encourages this to happen. Learn more