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Calendar | C3 Hiking Group 9:00am

C3 Hiking Group 9:00am

February 24, 2024
9:00am - 10:30am

Calendar Event Photo

Love hiking? Are you a beginner but interested in joining a group? Are you just looking to get outside? Regardless of your experience, join the hiking group as they go explore the Heritage Trail on Saturday, February 24th. They will meet at 9am at the Heritage Port. After the hike, the group plans to go to breakfast. Join them for a great morning of exercise and fellowship! Register below.


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Doubt is natural… Believers need to wrestle with the same questions that skeptics ask. Many believers "inherited" their faith and may have never asked these questions. Both doubters and believers have a moral and intellectual responsibility to examine their doubts and beliefs. C3 is a place that encourages this to happen. Learn more