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Notice​C3 Planting Day is Rescheduled till May 25th, please click for more details.
Youth Ministries Team > Serve

Youth Ministries Team

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. –I Timothy 4:12

Those with a heart for teenagers are needed to support engaging programs and events to reach teens for Christ. This team leads weekly meetings, investing time in building relationships with our teens, as well as planning events, providing transportation, chaperoning, cleaning up, and other needs. All volunteers who work with our youth must go through a background check and training.

Contact to join this fun-loving team.


Doubt is natural… Believers need to wrestle with the same questions that skeptics ask. Many believers "inherited" their faith and may have never asked these questions. Both doubters and believers have a moral and intellectual responsibility to examine their doubts and beliefs. C3 is a place that encourages this to happen. Learn more